With Tutortree, it's never been easier for students to connect with expert peer tutors. By joining Tutortree you'll not only earn by sharing your passion, but provide an opportunity for students to grow and reach their goals.
Yes! We would love to have recent graduates tutor with us. Our goal is to connect college students with a peer tutor who have previously taken the course that they are tutoring. As an recent graduate or an alumni you would still meet these qualifications!
No, you do not need to be enrolled in classes to tutor! We accept all applications but our main goal is to match current college students with a peer tutor who has previously taken the course. If you feel that you have the skills to tutor a specific subject but are still uncertain if you qualify, we can discuss these details during your interview.
The national average for college tutors is between $20-40. The average rate that approved tutors make on our platform is $40 an hour. This number can vary based on the skills and experience you have. If you are uncertain about what you should be charging for your sessions, our Tutor Coordinator can help you figure that out during your interview!
While it is not currently available, we are working on developing a K-12 tutoring service to provide assistance to all age groups. If you feel qualified to tutor college courses then definitely fill out our tutor application!
No, but it is highly encouraged. Tutors who submit a faculty letter of recommendation will receive a badge on their profile so that students will know you went to extra mile for approval! Networking and connections are super important and this is a great opportunity to ask for a letter of recommendation if you haven’t done so before.
We highly encourage a letter of recommendation from a faculty member at your university. We believe that networking is an important skill to have and asking someone for a recommendation will be important for future endeavours. This is a great opportunity to start making those connections and communications. Our students will be able to see that you have faculty approval if you submit a letter of recommendation and that makes you stand out as one of our highly qualified tutors!
Our main goal is to connect current college students with a peer tutor who has previously taken their course. College students are a diverse population and may be at various stages of their life and education journey.
We are catering to the virtual shift that most college campuses are experiencing and recommend online tutoring for our students. If you feel that it is safe and comfortable to do so, you are welcome to hold an in-person tutoring session, but we ask that you abide by our Tutor Code of Conduct.
We do not currently offer group tutoring sessions, but our development team is working hard to make this feature available soon!
Absolutely! There are many paths in higher education and we don’t want that to be a barrier that prevents you from tutoring. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask our Tutor Coordinator in your virtual interview.
Please use the “Contact Us” link if you have any issues with the app or would like to request certain features. Our customer service team is always on call to answer your questions.
Of course! There is often overlap in the subjects that you may excel in. You are welcome to sign up as a tutor for as many courses as you like. If you don’t see a class on our app that you would like to tutor for, submit a request through our “Contact Us” form and we will get it added for you!
While we cannot provide you with any direct equipment, we have compiled a list of our recommended resources for you to use. Check out the Tutor Guidelines for tips, resources, troubleshooting, and more!
Our goal is to pair current college students with a peer tutor at their home university. You can tutor at any school that we provided services at, as long as you have attended or transfered to/from that institution. If you are a graduate student and your alma mater is a school that we provide services to, you are welcome to sign up to tutor there or at your new university.
Once you submit your pre-interview assessment and request an interview, you will be contacted within 3-5 business days to schedule a virtual meeting with our Tutor Coordinator. Interviews last approximately 20 minutes and you’ll hear back from us within a week or two as to whether or not your application was approved!
There is no limit on earnings with TutorTree! You get to keep 80% of all sessions booked, so make sure that you adjust your rates accordingly. For example, a $10/half hour session would give a net profit of $8.00 per 30 minutes or $16 per hour booked.